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Epoxy Grout – How to use Epoxy Grout and Why?

Epoxy Grout – How to use epoxy grout and why you should use it.

Flooring the most important element of any space.
Flooring is where we stay.

In this blog we will be talking about the process of installation of tiles especially vitrified tiles which we install on floors. Tiles in India are installed in two ways.

a) The tiles are placed attached to one another without any gap.

b) A uniform gap is given between the tiles while installing.

Tiles installed using epoxy grout.

Which one is the better way of installation? We will be talking about this further in the article.

As you all know, before the tiles were invented, stone flooring were used. The process of installation of stone flooring like marble, granite or any other natural stone was to place the stones attached to one another without any gap. After installation, the marble flooring is normally polished to give a uniform and leveled finish.

Maybe, due to this, the installer started installing tiles in the same manner as used to install natural stones like marble, granite or any other stone.

The users also like the jointless or gapless finish in tiles as well.

The question arises which is the better way of installation of tiles, especially vitrified tiles.

In the installation process mentioned on the tile packing by the manufacturers, it is always recommended to install the tiles by providing proper and uniform gaps between the tiles.

Why to install tiles with gaps ?

The reason behind this installation instruction by the tile manufacturer are :

1. During the process of manufacturing tiles, the squareness of the tile may have some differences. Even a difference of less than 1 mm can lead to some major installation issues.

2. There may be some level difference in tiles. When the tiles are being manufactured the tiles during the process of bonding, heating and finishing may develop some undulation and difference in shape. In other words, flatness.

When the tiles have these two shortcomings, and the tiles are installed without leaving any gap, there is every possibility of some installation defects which may arise. We may experience that the tile joints are not perfect, or there is some level difference in the tiles during installation.

As we all know that tiles or any other material may expand on contract due to change in weather conditions. The tiles are installed with the help of sand cement motor or tile adhesive. Here the tiles expand or contract in one manner, the sand cement motor expands and contracts in a different manner and tile adhesive expands and contracts in a some other manner.

For such expansion and contraction we have to provide the provision for expansion and contraction.

When the tiles are installed without gaps, we experience the problems of tiles getting cracked, the tiles popping up and coming off from the floor, and in many cases we experience hollow space under the tiles.

Cracked and pop up tiles.
Tiles popping and cracking

To avoid these problems, it is recommended that the tiles are installed with proper and uniform gaps between the tiles. To give a proper and uniform gap between the tiles the manufacturers provide tile gap spacers in plastic which we can put between the tiles to get a uniform gap, this creates a uniform and attractive look and design.

Now we come to the main topic of our article. When we have installed the tiles by providing gaps, the gaps needs to be filled. These gaps are filled in following ways:

  • a) White Cement
  • b) Cement Grout
  • c) Epoxy Grout

Our subject is Epoxy Grout. Here we will focus on epoxy grout.

How to use epoxy grout and why you should use it.

Epoxy grout is a wonderful invention to support proper installation of tiles in flooring.

Epoxy grout is manufactured by all manufacturers and companies in the business of tile fixing adhesive and chemicals required for installation and maintenance of tiles.

The main companies that manufacturers Epoxy Grout in India are

When you buy epoxy grout of any company you will find following three products in the pack:

  • Epoxy Resin
  • Hardener
  • Filler Powder

The resin and hardener is mixed in a ratio of 2:1. After properly mixing these two chemicals, the filler powder is mixed to get a uniform paste of Epoxy Grout.

Mixed Epoxy Grout Paste.
Epoxy Grout Paste

Now you can add colour to the grout to get a matching or contrast colour combination. A wide range of colour options are also provided by these manufacturers. In addition to this the manufacturers also provide some glitter material to add the glitter effect to the epoxy grout.

The shelf life of epoxy grout paste after mixing, is approximately 120 minutes. It is always recommended to use the paste as early as possible to get the best results. The mixture gradually gets hard, which may result in the epoxy grout not performing up to the standards. For the grout to cover the gap properly, the paste needs to be flexible while laying.

Now let us talk about the advantages of epoxy grout.

How to use epoxy grout and why you should use it. Here we are covering, why we should use epoxy grout in the gaps of our tiles.

1. Epoxy grout has the quality of self levelling. When you install the epoxy grout in the gaps, the grout gradually levels itself and enters all the gaps in between the tiles for a uniform and proper application.

2. The epoxy grout can be used in any area like indoor or outdoors. We can use it in residential area commercial areas factories and workshops. In other words we can use epoxy grout in low traffic areas or even in heavy traffic areas.

Wall tiles installed using epoxy grout.
Shower Area Wall Tiles with Epoxy Grout

3. The gaps where we install epoxy grout becomes dust free. Epoxy grout will not allow the dust to settle on the area where the epoxy grout has been filled. The surface of the floor where epoxy grout has been installed will not attract and hold the dust.

4. The Epoxy Grout can also be used in wet areas like the bathing area in the bathroom, swimming pool and places where there may be water uses.

Bathing Area where we can use epoxy grout.
Bathing Area

5. Epoxy grout is an acid resistant and oil resistant material. We can use epoxy grout in space with acid applications and oil spillages, oily areas like garages and food industries.

6. Epoxy grout is antifungal and antibacterial. This helps in keeping the areas disinfected and safe from fungus and bacteria development.

Seepage of Walls from the bathroom.
Seepage on Wall

7. The Epoxy Grout can be tried to seal the bathroom tiles if you are experiencing seepage in bathroom walls.

8. The epoxy grout does not discolor after installation. In other words the epoxy grouting can last for years without affecting the look and feel of the space.

9. No sealer is required after installing epoxy grout. Epoxy grout in itself is a sealer and seals the area where it has been installed.

Now let’s talk about the precautions we need to take while using epoxy grout in our tile joints.

Epoxy Grout – How to use it and Why ? Here we will be talking mostly on how to use the epoxy grout.

1. We need a skilled person to apply the epoxy grout. As the combination of resin and hardner needs to be mixed in proper ratio to get the best results. Also the epoxy grout paste needs to be used within the specified time to get the best results, duly mixed properly.

2. The gaps where we will be applying the epoxy grout should be thoroughly cleaned. No loose particles, chemicals or any other materials should be left there. Applying epoxy grout in areas which have not been properly clean will not give you the best results.

Installation of Vitrified Tiles
Vitrified Tiles Installation

3. It is also recommended to clean the excess grout lying on the tiles properly. The excess grout chemical if left on the tiles will become difficult to remove and may give some effect of shine or spot later while using the area.

However companies have some chemicals to remove these excess grout.

4. It is always recommended to use the same size and uniform spacers to give uniform and proper gaps between the tiles. This precaution is to be considered during the installation of tile.

Plastic Tile Gap Spacer for uniform gaps.
Tile gap spacer

This is a small article on the importance, advantage and precautions we need to take while applying epoxy grout. The article also tries to explain why we should install tiles by giving gaps in between.

This brings us to the end of our input on Epoxy Grout – How to use it and Why ?

Hope this article was of some value to you. In case you have some questions, please leave your questions and comments below.

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