About Nikanj

About me

My name is Nikanj Pareek love to be known as Interior Dost (Friend)

I am in the business of Furniture, Interior Decoration, and Premises Finishing since 1995. I work as a Premises Finishing Consultant and love to help people understand basic construction, home improvement, and building material-related details.

I have the experience of more than 30 years of in the industry. I am a learner with a passion for knowing more about building materials and premises finishing products. Whatever I learn, I love to share it with the community. I share my learning of the Hindi language on YouTube. For people who do not understand Hindi properly, this is my English Content.

I am based out of Jaipur, also known as Pink City. Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan State in India. I love traveling, biking, acting, mentoring, public speaking, motivating, and mentoring. In simple words, experience and help people whom I can.

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