How to make a Non Slippery Staircase ?

How to make a non slippery staircase.

However we have started using elevators and lifts in our spaces, but staircase cannot be totally ignored or ruled out. Every space, residential or commercial we need staircase to move to higher floors. The staircase needs to safe for the users. Hence, knowing how to make a non slippery staircase is very very important.
The relevance of staircase is very important in case of any accident or emergency in a building. In case of a fire accident the elevators or lift cannot be used. The evacuation of the occupants can be done through emergency or fire brigade modes or through staircase. In such events we all must know, how to make a non slippery staircase.

The importance of the staircase being non slippery, becomes even more important if it is being used during emergency or an accident. The movement in the staircase is very erratic during these situations. Staircase design in a non slippery mode becomes very useful and important at this stage. So let us learn how to make a non slippery staircase.
There are many cases of accidents due to falling from staircase. Many times these accident can be fatal. Specially the senior citizens or old people fall from staircase when they lose their balance even when they skid slightly. This is why making a non slippery staircase is important.
So we need an anti slippery staircase system so that these type of accidents can be avoided to the maximum level. Along with making the staircase non skidy we have to put bars and hand supports near the staircase so that the accidents do not become serious or fatal. We will talk about making the staircase safer in some other blog, in this blog let us learn how to make a non slippery staircase.

To know how to make a non slippery staircase. Here are few pointers.
- Rough grooving on the edges of stairs.
- Multiple rough grooving on the edges of stairs.
- Putting anti skid tapes on the edges of stairs.
Rough grooving on the edges of stairs threads.
Normally, the staircase are made using marble granite or similar stones. To give a great look and finish to the stairs, the stones are very nicely polished. This polish makes the stone slippery. Hence, it is required to have some rough surface at the edge of the stairs threads. Here it is very important to mention that creating a depression may not be effective it is always better to create a rough surface of half inch or 1 inches width, at the edge of the stairs. This will be more effective. A depression cutting, instead of working as anti skid space, may collect dust and dirt inside the depressed groove.
Multiple rough grooving on the edges of stairs.
In continuation to the above point we can make multiple rough grooving at the edge of the stairs. The anti skid rough grooving, at the edge of stairs thread, helps in reducing the accidents caused by slipping on a staircase. We can create multiple rough grooves on the edge of stairs thread. These grooves can be up to maximum four lines. In the above point, we mentioned that we can have one groove, but to get better results the number of grooves can be increased up to 4 but conveniently they can be two or three in number.
Putting Anti Skid Tapes on the edges of stairs.
In case you have already installed the staircase without any grooving on the edges, there is nothing to worry about it. Anti skid tapes are also available in the market which can be easily pasted on the edges of the stairs. The same rule of number of anti skid grooves, applies with tapes also. If we want a decent basic anti skid property on the stairs, we can put single line of antiskid tapes, on the edges of the stairs. In places where we have to be double sure about the possibilities of skidding on the stairs, we can put multiple lines of anti skid tapes. A two parallel lines of anti skid tape should be more than sufficient in any staircase. We have observed that anti skid tapes are more effective than the grooves.
There are few additional options, for areas where top-end anti skid properties are required.
There are many areas where top end anti skid properties are required on staircases. These areas can be in industries, factories, or areas where there are lot of wet working spaces or movement spaces. In such top end anti skid property required areas, there are few more options available in the market.
Anti Skid Rubber Threads.
The treads of the stairs, means the area of stairs, where we put our feet. Just to explain the different parts of staircase the area where we put our feet are known as Treads the height of the stairs area is known as Risers. The protection edge on the wall are known as skirting. The platform in between the staircase are known as landings.
For areas where “high end anti skid properties” are required on staircase anti skid rubber threads are also available.
Anti Skid Vinyl Treads.
Similar to the rubber staircase threads anti skid Vinyl staircase treads are also available in the market which are also equally effective. However rover has more anti skid properties.
Anti Slip Wide Tape.

We have already talked about anti slip tapes for staircase. These wide tapes are no different than the above tapes. The only difference is that the width of the tape is more in this case. The extra width of the tape increases the protection and safety. In areas where we have already have staircase without any anti skid properties we can use this extra wide tapes on the edges of the staircase to create protection against sleeping on the staircase.
You can check this article also which is good to refer.
Anti Skid Tapes in Clear Transparent Shade. So that does not disturb your interior decor.
Similar to the above anti skid tapes, these transparent tapes are almost same, but are in transparent material. The properties of these transparent anti skid tapes are different than the regular anti skid tape. It has been observed, that these transparent tapes are also effective while creating anti skid properties on staircases. The transparent look of the steps helps in keeping the interiors and aesthetics of the space un compromised.
When you use a black anti skid tape the tape may not look that good in spacious where interiors and aesthetics are important. These anti skid tapes, which are transparent and has no colour, blends with the colour of the stairs. In this case the look and feel of the interiors and aesthetics are not compromised. This point additionally guides you on how to make a non slippery staircase without compromising on the look and feel of the stairs. The transparent tapes will not be prominently visible.

As you jumped into this article, I am sure you were interested in knowing how to make a non slippery staircase. Hope you have got multiple options to make your staircase non slippery and safe for the users. Additionally keep the staircase properly lit with sufficient lightings. It is always better to have sufficient bars and railings around staircase. This will help in making the staircase safe for the users.
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