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20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine

a person putting clothes in a washing machine

20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine.

Washing Machine is a compulsory appliance in every home. Whenever, the homeowner has some extra money after “Roti, Kapda and Makaan” (Food, Cloth and Shelter), there is every possibility that the lady of the house will opt for a Washing Machine. Before buying the Washing Machine, she will get confused regarding difference between a front load and top load Washing Machine.

funny little kid taking out clothes from washing machine

Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine.

Without wasting any further time, let us directly jump into the top 20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine. We have created the table below for a fast reference to all important points.

For watching a video on youtube in hindi on 20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine you can click on the video link below:

This video is in Hindi – Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine.

So here are the point wise details of top 20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine:

S NOFront Loading Washing MachineTop Loading Washing Machine
1Basket Size is bigger.Basket Size is Smaller.
2More energy efficient.Energy Efficiency may be less.
3Less amount of detergent is required.The amount of detergent required may be higher.
4Non Foaming detergent is required.Both foaming and non foaming detergent can be used.
5Frequent descaling is required to maintain the Top Loading Washing Machine. Descaling is recommended in Top Load Washing Machine, but not required as much as required in the front load Washing Machine.
6Continuous flow of water with proper pressure is required for proper functioning of the Front Load Washing Machine. The Water is required to be loaded once, as required by the load of clothes to be washed. There is no need of continuous flow of water and no need to maintain the water pressure.
7. Cannot add or remove clothes in mid session in a Front Load Washing Machine.It is very easy and convenient to add and remove clothes in the mid session of washing a lot of clothes in top load washing machine.
8Cloth cleaning can be better due to the type of movement in the Front Load Washing Machine and frequent change of water till the final rinsing is done.Cloth Cleaning may not be as good as in Front Load as the same water is used through out the washing session. The user has to change the water for rinsing.
9The Washing Time and Cycle is longer is Front Load Washing Machine.The Washing Time and Cycle can be controlled by the user. The time is shorter in Top Load Washing Machine.
10The cost of the Front Load Washing Machine is higher than Top Load Washing Machine.The Top Load Washing Machine is cheaper in cost than Front Load Washing Machine.
11Front Load Washing Machine is not suitable where water supply is not proper.Top Load Washing Machine can be used in places with less water supply or abundant water supply, both.
12In case of Power Cut, the machine will wait to restart.The machine starts immediately after the Power Cut is resumed.
13Not easy to stop the cleaning Mid Session, in Front Load Washing Machine. The user has to wait for the machine to automatically open.Very convenient for Mid Session stopping or changing of cleaning session, in Top Load Washing Machine.
14There are different preset Washing Systems in Front Load Washing Machine.The different Preset Washing System may be less in Top Load Washing Machine.
15The user has to bend the back or sit on a stool or table use the Front Load Washing Machine, specially when loading and unloading the clothes. Difficult for people having back pain issues.Convenient to use. The user can load and unload the machine while standing straight. Easier for people with back pain issues.
16Makes less noise during the washing. But makes lot of noise while rinsing.The Top Load Washing Machine makes more noise in comparison to Front Load Washing Machine.
17The life of the Front Load Washing Machine is more than the Top Load Washing Machine.The life of Top Load Washing Machine is less in comparison to Front Load Washing Machine.
18Regular Maintenance is required in a Front Load Washing Machine. So the cost of regular maintenance of Front Load Washing Machine is more than the Top Load Washing Machine.Normal Cleaning and basic maintenance is required in Top Load Washing Machine. The cost of maintenance of Top Load Washing Machine is less than the Front Load Washing Machine.
19The spinning speed of Front Load Washing Machine is much higher than the Top Load Washing Machine. Hence, the clothes comes out much drier than the Top Load Washing Machine.The Top Load Washing Machine gives less dry clothes in comparison to Front Load Washing Machine.
20The Front Load Washing Machines looks fancier, stylish. In simple words, the Front Load Washing Machine looks better to me.The Top Load Washing Machine looks are not as attractive as the Front Load Washing Machine.
Table showing 20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine
standing woman smiling while opening front load clothes washer.  Front Load Washing Machine.
Photo by Juliano Ferreira on

Above were the top 20 Difference between Front Load and Top Load Washing Machine. There are advantages and disadvantages of Front Load and Top Load Washing Machines.

Nothing is good or bad. Everything depends on your living style and requirement.

Nikanj Pareek – Your InteriorDost

Hope the above pointers were useful to you. If you have some questions, please feel free to comment below. Will love to hear your additional inputs and comments below.

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